..::: Pioneering Progress Trough Biotech :::..

Pioneering innovative solutions

For Better Healt Outcomes

We’re dedicated to using science to make a positive impact on the world.

Through our innovative research and development, we’re making groundbreaking

discoveries that are transforming the way we live and work.

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Features we Provide

Molecular Biology

At Afrand biotech, we specialise in developing a start-to-finish solution requirements. Our wide range of Molecular Biology Services allows researcher and scientist to save their previous time to focus on other important issues. All information will be kept in strict confidence.


Our Next Generation Sequencing technologies are up-to-date, and we have extensive knowledge across different platforms to select the appropriate technology for your sequencing requirements. Contact us for recommendations, and there’s no obligation to follow them.

Informatics and Data

Our portfolio’s central content is driven by augmented molecular intelligence (AMI). By blending human expertise with artificial intelligence, AMI provides dependable, premium molecular intelligence to speed up and enhance your decision-making.

Our DNA Fragment Analysis service provides the detection of fluorescent fragments using the Applied Biosystems Genetic Analyzer. Afterward, the GeneMapper® v 4.0 analysis software is used for interpretation, which allows us to provide accurate and reliable results.

Functional Analysis

Understanding the diverse RNA world and its network of intricate interactions is one of the most important challenges facing biology today. We offers tools to investigate the roles of coding and non-coding RNAs using a variety of approaches.

Laboratory Essentials

We offer a comprehensive range of lab equipment for biotech and bioinformatics research, supported by expert guidance and efficient solutions. Our goal is to facilitate breakthrough discoveries and accelerate scientific progress at all levels.


Explore Our Main Services

Our collaborative projects across public, private, and academic sectors deliver tangible benefits to health and lab organizations

Discovery and Translational

Our company is focused on providing cutting-edge discovery and translation research services for the biotech and bioinformatics industries. We aim to accelerate the development of new therapeutics and diagnostics by leveraging innovative technologies.

Instruments & Automation

Our company specializes in providing advanced Instruments and Automation solutions for the biotech and bioinformatics industries, helping researchers, developers and manufacturers to achieve higher precision, efficiency and productivity in their processes.

Data Analysis

Our company provides data analysis services for biotech and bioinformatics, leveraging advanced computational tools to derive meaningful insights from large datasets across various fields including genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.